Friday, April 20, 2012

What is a good hair style for a 13 year old girl with curly hair?

i am planning to go cut my hair before school starts and it will probably be cut a little longer then my shoulders. i want to go into school everyday with a better sense of my hair styles then last year- meaning i went into school last year with a pony tail and on good days something y like a straighten but i want something GREAT for my hair to look like. I am a regular girl who is very preppy . do you have any advice for great hair dos and donts for curlyy hairrrr!?!?

What is a good hair style for a 13 year old girl with curly hair?

Definatly get layers, that way it makes your hair look like you care about it :P


then you could straighten it so that the layers will show.

If you want, you could get long side swept bangs, which would look cool. If you do get the bangs, then you should put your hair up into a messy ponytail and leave the bangs down,wich would look super preppy and it will feel compterble (cant spell)

If you dont get the bangs, you could try scruntching your hair after you get out of the shower, which is a favorite style of mine.

Just remeber that what ever you do, you could always change it =)

Remember to do what YOU want to do, and what makes YOU feel good about yourself. When you have your own style and confidence, it makes everyone around you know how cool you really are =)

hehe good luck xDD閳?br>What is a good hair style for a 13 year old girl with curly hair?

wear it down and grow it to be right above ur waist. ahlf up and half down is really cute. think about maybe gettin some sidebangs. good luck anyhoo!

What is a good hair style for a 13 year old girl with curly hair?

a half up is really cute (top half of hair in a ponytail and the rest hangs below) or a messy bun

What is a good hair style for a 13 year old girl with curly hair?


What is a good hair style for a 13 year old girl with curly hair?

messy curls are the go when your hair is down and a way to make them look extra fabulous is to straighten little strands so it looks like your hair is naturally straight and then leave some curls so it looks like u curled em and mess it up a little bit and it looks great.

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